To celebrate the upcoming August 7th release of Bonsai Barber in Europe, Zoonami Games has started a fitting giveaway promotion for the game.
Simply shoot an email to bbseeds@zoonami.com with your name and address, and you will be mailed a packet containing either celery, carrot or onion seeds, along with an image of the corresponding game character on the front. This isn't a contest, so that's all you have to do! Really, what have you got to lose?
Keep in mind that Zoonami will only ship seeds to Europe, so if you live in North America, tough luck - But you can already play the game, so you can't complain too much!
The seeds giveaway is now closed!
[source zoonami.com]
Comments 36
Ah sweet thanks! rushes to mail account
Ahhh man I won't be able to get the seeds. How devastating.
Aha! This is actually a cool promo item
Nice! Just loving' these WiiWare promotions.
Wow, isn't this very expensive for Zoonami?
I'd love to get this just so I could brag that I have freaking seeds as video game merch!
I doubt many gamers would be wanting seeds. I've e-mailed for them anyway since my parents will probably use them. I also mentioned NintendoLife.com in my e-mail to them.
I want onion seeds.
i'm so gonna do this! i ask them to send me one of every pack
Email sent. Last time I got a free packet of seeds was with the Beano!
Cool promotion. I hope that Bonsai Barber does well in Europe - it's a really cool game, but seems to have been largely overlooked here in North America...
Free stuff? hell yeah!
I'll probably give them to my Dad so he can grow them. I know nothing about that sort of thing
first of all brilliant marketing. and once again i feel unloved from gaming community for living in america
Owt for Nowt and i'm there, I want me some seeds!!!!
Hmm wonder how much they will fetch on E-bay
If there's one thing that Nintendo of Europe does better than Nintendo of America, it's merchandise.
Some entrepreneur type here is gonna start a trans-ship service and send his American counterparts some seeds for a small fee. Where do I send the payment?
That's a neat giveaway and it encourages people to eat more vegetables
we never get cool stuff like this.
Cool .Sent my E-mail off. I've got some carrots growing already so I hope I get the onions, Celery meh....
I'd rather have had Bonsai Barber in April or whenever America got it than some free seeds.
Surely after our huge wait for the game you don't deny us some vegetables!?
Darn, I want those seeds!
hehehe i just moved to spain.
i hope they arive soon
viva mexicoo
"Thank you so much for sharing in the excitement of the forthcoming release of Bonsai Barber. We hope you enjoy the game as much as we do. Your seeds have been despatched!
Feel free to brag to us about how successful your horticultural efforts have been. We will publish the best stories on our website.
The European edition of Bonsai Barber will be released on the 7th August!"
yep, I got that email as well. I wonder how long they'll take to arrive.
The tension is unbearable
I have just received my mail too. Groovy!
yea i just recive the mail too
i hope they arrive soon
I like free stuff, and I'll also buy this game so I sent a mail and also got a response. Bring on the seeds!
Are they organic?
I recieved the packet of carrot seeds today. It says on the back though that seeds can be sown up until the end of July. So sounds like you have to do it today or not do it at all.
I got the yellow onion seeds today, I was really confused for a moment when this cute mini envelope came through the door. Need to plant mine in Autumn apparently, gonna give them to my nieces as a lil project, yay.
Damn, are they lurking outside my house or something 'cause that's a fast ship. Got Mr. Stickle which is an awesome looking celery. He reminds me of TallNut from Plants vs Zombies.
i havent recive mine yet!
bu i hopes i get soon
no not yet
Cool! I have recieve the seeds! I have Senshyu Yellow Unions. Mine called: Charlotte the Starlet. Nice Zoonami! Nice!
when you recive it?
i just recive my super lil package hehe very cute all hand writing.
i got the carrots
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