
So the Nintendo Download update has been a little later than normal this week for Europe, possibly due to the sudden delay of Flipnote Studio 3D. Nevertheless, there are a few new titles to consider as well as a lot of discounts, so without further ado let's get right to it.

Wii U eShop

Cloudberry Kingdom (Ubisoft, €9.99 / £7.99) — Developed by small developer Pwnee Studios, this began life as a crowdfunded game on Kickstarter before Ubisoft was suitably impressed to step in and publish. It's a platformer that can randomly generate stages, and features an Arcade mode to cover a range of difficulties, right up to levels that look positively impossible for all but the most skilled players out there. With online leaderboards, a level builder and lots of running and jumping, we'll see whether this mixes it with the best on the Wii U eShop in our upcoming review.

Wii U Virtual Console

Harvest Moon (MarvelousAQL, €7.99 / £5.49) — Though the series has recently returned to life on the 3DS Virtual Console, this Super NES version is where the series began. This simulation RPG tasks you with managing and improving your farm, which requires plenty of effort and attentive care. Despite a premise that some may consider to be dull, it's a series that's delivered to a loyal fan-base for many years, all based on this 16-bit template. We'll work the land on the Wii U, but until then you can check out our Wii Virtual Console Harvest Moon review.

Wii U Retail Download

Turbo: Super Stunt Squad (NAMCO BANDAI Games, €44.99 / £39.99)

Wii U eShop Temporary Discount

Nano Assault Neo (Shin'en Multimedia, €6.99 / £6.29 until 15th August, normally €9.99 / £8.99)

Wii U eShop Permanent Discount

Funky Barn (Tantalus, €14.99 / £14.99, was €32.75 / £27.55)

3DS eShop

10-in-1: Arcade Collection (Gamelion, €1.99 / £1.79) — It's safe to say that any release offering lots of games in one package causes some hesitation, but that doesn't mean they can't be fun. This particular collection is focused on retro games, with retro 8-bit art and sound to accompany some old-school high score chasing. We'll dig out our rose-tinted specs and see how these "new old" games stand up.

3DS Retail Download

Turbo: Super Stunt Squad (NAMCO BANDAI Games, €39.99 / £34.99)

3DS eShop Temporary Discounts

Nano Assault EX (Shin'en Multimedia, €9.99 / £8.74 until 15th August, normally €14.99 / £12.49)

Fun! Fun! Minigolf TOUCH! (Shin'en Multimedia, €3.49 / £3.14 until 15th August, normally €4.99 / £4.49)

Art of Balance TOUCH! (Shin'en Multimedia, €4.89 / £4.40 until 15th August, normally €6.99 / £6.29)

New Art Academy additional lessons DLC (Nintendo, €0.99 / £0.89 until 11th August, normally €1.99 / £1.79)

3D Game Collection (Joindots, €9.79 / £8.39 until 21st August, normally €13.99 / £11.99)

Gardenscapes (Joindots, €10.79 / £10.49 until 21st August, normally €14.99 / £14.99)

Murder on the Titanic (Joindots, €10.79 / £10.49 until 21st August, normally €14.99 / £14.99)

Plenty of discounts and a new Wii U eShop title stand out this week, but let us know what you'll be picking up in the poll and comments below.

What will you be downloading first this week? (179 votes)

  1. Cloudberry Kingdom (Wii U eShop)21%
  2. Harvest Moon (Wii U Virtual Console)8%
  3. Turbo: Super Stunt Squad (Wii U Retail Download)  0%
  4. Nano Assault Neo (Wii U eShop temporary discount)4%
  5. Funky Barn (Wii U eShop permanent discount)2%
  6. 10-in-1: Arcade Collection (3DS eShop)  0.6%
  7. Turbo: Super Stunt Squad (3DS Retail Download)  0%
  8. Nano Assault EX (3DS eShop temporary discount)8%
  9. Fun! Fun! Minigolf TOUCH! (3DS eShop temporary discount)  0.6%
  10. Art of Balance TOUCH! (3DS eShop temporary discount)2%
  11. New Art Academy Additional Lessons DLC (3DS eShop temporary discount)3%
  12. 3D Game Collection (3DS eShop temporary discount)  0%
  13. Murder on the Titanic (3DS eShop temporary discount)  0%
  14. Nothing for me this week50%

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