
Topic: What does this community mean to you?

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Fun place to talk to others.

Space and Games are similar. Space is endless and new stuff is out there waiting to be discovered. Games are always being made but the creativity is different from one game to another and so many more ideas still haven't been imagined or created yet. (That came out better than expected lol)

Switch Friend Code: SW-1116-1320-6156


The community, and the site that hosts it, means quite a lot to me. For the last 10 years I've visited multiple times a day on average. I'm really glad I found the site and that it's still in largely the same state I found it.

I think anyone who thinks it may have 'gone downhill' could do with applying a bit of wider context for perspective. Everything in life changes over time, and given the state of socio-political discourse nowadays, how many platforms of this age/older are there that can honestly stand up as examples that have bucked the trend of deteriorating social/quality standards?

I think @nintendolife has done remarkably well at maintaining what it is that people like me come here for and I thank them for it. Thanks @nintendolife 😍🤩😍🤩😍.

And thanks to the users who have done their part to keep this a cheery, engaging community to be part of. I love you, I love Nintendo, and I love gaming 🖤🤍🧡💛💚💙💜💝

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit


@gcunit This is by far the most wholesome reply i've seen to this thread. I've loved reading all of the replies here, seeing everyone's perspectives, but this takes the cake.

Resident Project Sekai addict

My Nintendo: Bluelink45 | Nintendo Network ID: Bluelink45


What Nintendo Life means to me, is a friendly, passionate community of people, who may have differing opinions on a variety of topics, but still manage to engage with each other on friendlier terms. (In most instances, that is.)

Like others, I have been members of multiple other websites, and one day while surfing the web, I came across this website, which at the time was very small in comparison to its size today. I had great vibes about the community right from the start, and I knew this is where I needed to spend most of my online discussion time at, regardless of console/manufacturer preference. And for me, to this day, (I joined in 2013), I still have not found another community as kind, and fair as this one. Here's to many more awesome Nintendo Life discussions, and to many more years of engagement.

Edited on by Dpullam

Gamertag: DeePullThree
Switch Friend Code: SW-2321-5988-1019
PlayStation 5 User Profile: DeePullThree


@gcunit I agree that most cases of people claiming the site is going downhill or becoming less welcoming, are more so cases of people refusing to move on or open up.

As aging gamers I feel we’re prone to gatekeeping, and maintaining a myopic perspective about things. So sometimes “I feel left out” can be translated to “people no longer talk about the things I want them to, so I don’t like listening to them anymore”


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


Some really wholesome replies here 🥰

I've been Community Manager here for almost 2 years now and it's been so lovely to watch this community interact, discuss, and just share the love we all have for games. Even when I'm not super active talking in the forums/articles, I do watch over and see the great conversations that take place

I'm glad all of you choose to come here 💖




I think I've posted in here before but I'll do it again casue I dunno if I did or not
This community is something very special to me. I'm not really a Nintendo person except for owing a second hand 3ds I got for Christmas or my birthday (Birtday in November, it's close and I was young so I don't quite remember). in 2018. But yet, everyone here treats me very well. I've been here for 2 years now, and I enjoy every seocnd that I've spent here. This site also has the best mods and admins that I have ever hecking seen, so praise to all of them

Y'all, let's go play Legally Distinct Pocket Creatures!
President of the Chit-Chat thread, as Eagly has unfortunately deleted his account :(

3DS Friend Code: 2252-0354-0887


My account is nearly 5 years old now and been lurking around well before that. For all those years Nintendolife is in my routine of checking what's up with the internet that day. This is my main source for gaming news.

There was a time after creating my account that I was pretty active on the forum too, but it didn't stick with me as there was quite a lot of rotation going on with people coming and going (myself included). So back to lurking.

Nowadays the newssite is still a daily visit to me and I also enjoy the youtube channel a lot. The forum has become a rare visit, though I appreciate some of the veterans still hanging around here making it feel "familiar" between all the new inspiration added.

Appreciate Nintendolife and the crew behind it. You guys have filled in a lot of hours in my life which can only mean a good thing. Thanks for that!



Been here over a decade now.

I quit going to article comment sections as it's just trolls and flaming. Found the goldmine is in the forums and it's members.

I've been having spirited debates with peeps on here so many years I feel like I know a lot of members personally irl. Just from having conversations over so many years.

Even if we're not close friends and only chat about games, I do feel a comradery among many members here. Too many to list names but ppl know who they are.

I come here to socialize with my online friends more than anything. Just throw some ideas on a thread, speaking out loud, and see what others think. Provide feedback to ideas others throw out and let em know what I think.

Gaming isn't as fun if you're not sharing in the experience with others. And I think this site facilitates this. It gives us all a chance to talk about our excitement over whatever game, system or accessory we're currently enamored with.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


For me Nintendo Life is a place to talk and share the love of Nintendo Gameing with other like minded gamers. It’s also a place to learn about what’s happening in the world of Nintendo.

Nintendo Switch OLED Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Edition Gamer


If only every fan-community had a place like Nintendo Life!

Lurked for years before making an account in July and I think very few sites on the internet manage to achieve the level of mutual respect that everyone seems to have for each other here, it's lovely.
It's also really nice to just "hang-out" with others who are just as passionate about Nintendo games and systems as I am!



I tend to flick through the articles a couple of times a day on here, pure xbox and push square. I don't post that much here as my views can be quite polarising - especially as the Switch is my least favourite console.

Old Grumpy and stuck in my ways.


I just wanted to say, this site is a literal gem in the internet. I can’t tell you how good the articles and the NintendoLife Team making them are. This is by far, the most trustworthy place to get gaming news nowdays. Sometimes the humor in the articles makes me laugh out loud, and the comments too. And I love this site focuses not on just the daily news of the world of Nintendo, but the readers.
Since we ARE in the dark days of negativity on the internet, it’s so surprising and wonderful to find a friendly community. Everyone here is welcoming and kind. The mods are amazing, and I have fun talking about almost everything here, and I’m very grateful that NintendoLife made this happen. So thank you, NintendoLife, for all the happiness you’ve given me this past year. Yall are the best! 🖤

Taylor from Blank Space was my old pfp if anyone gets confused. this is tay from he latest album
cats are the best


It's my fave place for Nintendo news. I love the community and love watching Directs along with everyone when I can. And luckily, I don't think I've annoyed anyone so far

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


Visiting this site and spreading the fun and joy of videogames is also alot of fun for me. I love how friendly this community is and I feel very welcome on this site. Whenever I am away for some time, I still keep thinking about this place. So keep up the great work Nintendolife and let us all have a great time here!


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer

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