
Topic: Gems of Magic is Unplayable

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The first 7 levels are ok and can be quite challenging.

Level 8 just goes in to an almost infinite reshuffle and runs out of moves and the only option is to leave the game.

Other bugs:-

Levels drop in stars if you replay them
Power ups are lost if you buy and press B
Clicking on the screen in certain areas provides a speech bubble “key not found”

This game appears to have some major flaws that prevent progress

Edited on by Eel



What game is this referring to? Since I'm incredibly confused.

Edit: NVM, I just saw the tags.

Edited on by VoidofLight

"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."



You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit


Hi Reefs,

I managed to get through level 8. Level 9 was nearly impossible until I used 2 bombs and 2 reshuffles, got rid of the weird blockers that multiply, and then finally moved the father to the top. Levels 10 and 11 were "normal" and beatable, but level 12 says I need to get 4 chests but only 2 of them appear on the screen (nintendo switch lite). Do you have any suggestions?


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