
Topic: What old videogames do you still have?

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I still have a bunch of old videogames that I got when I was younger. I've got Super Mario World for the Super Nintendo, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask for the Nintendo 64, and a bunch of others. I don't really play them as much as I used to, but it's still fun to dust them off every now and then and relive some of those childhood memories. Who knows, maybe one day I'll even introduce my own kids to some of those old classics.



I have boxes of C64 tapes and 5inch floppy discs, all my NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, Master System, Mega Drive, Saturn, Dreamcast, Playstation 1, 2 & 3, and the Original Xbox games, oh and a few Gameboy, DS and 3DS games
I have never chucked or sold any games ever

Edited on by Bunkerneath


Switch Friend Code: SW-5538-4050-1819 | 3DS Friend Code: 1633-4650-1215 | My Nintendo: Bunkerneath | Nintendo Network ID: Bunkerneat | Twitter:


I still have my GameCube, ds and gba games.

Destiny, justice and retribrution will be mine.


I have a collection of about 1,500 physical games and a couple of dozen consoles and handhelds. Name a game and I probably have it. They range from DOS-era floppies to games from today. From Gameboy to Vita.


Nintendo Network ID: ivory_soul | Twitter:


I have quite a few older videogames still around since i still like to go back to them from time to time, things like the goemon games on n64 especially, i also have a psone still hooked up (used to use ps2 a lot but it got the dreaded disc read error) and still have a bunch of original DS carts around to play through 3ds.

really wish games preservation was a bigger thing among publishers and the like, its why i wish that things like the virtual console were expanded upon instead of just restarting the library on wiiu then replacing it with something where you cant even buy the games on switch.

Konami and Capcom still do a pretty good job at keeping their legacy content available at least.



How old does a game have to be so it can be counted as an old game? My guess is anything from 10 years or 2 generations ago would count.
How long before we consider the Wii U and 3DS as old?

As for what old games I have lying around my place, I have games for the SNES, N64 (the majority being Japanese), Gamecube, Wii, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance and DS. Plus some PC games I've never played but the discs ended up in my house somehow. Among my stuff, there's a diskette with a Mario fangame I've had since the 90s. Though I don't know if it still works.
Do the 2020s Game & Watch count?

Rusty's Real Deal Baseball is now a hidden gem of the Nintendo 3DS.

Switch Friend Code: SW-0197-9566-9983 | 3DS Friend Code: 2251-9732-5870 | My Nintendo: AlexHGB | Nintendo Network ID: AHammerGalladeB


More than I ever owned because I haven't sold any of my childhood games and meanwhile I've bought lots of retro games too in the last few years.



Jak and Daxter: The Precurssor Leagacy
Jak 2
Jak 3
Jak X Combat Racing
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Sims 2+Pets
Tomodachi Life

Y'all, let's go play Legally Distinct Pocket Creatures!
President of the Chit-Chat thread, as Eagly has unfortunately deleted his account :(

3DS Friend Code: 2252-0354-0887


I lost most of my games in a disaster, I won't get into details on that. I still have much of my PS2 & Gamecube games from my teenage years. I also might have a few GBA & DS games as well from that era as well. Much of the older stuff such as NES and Genesis, I had to repurchase though I had mostly stopped since buying these old games has become more expensive than buying a AAA titles on current hardware.



@HistoricKombat Really sorry to hear about that, that's a fear that lingers in my head a little bit sometimes.



Quite a lot tbh, I mostly collect handhelds so my collection is mainly cart-based. A lot of stuff is from childhood (my Game Boy, DS games) but I bought a lot when I went to uni and had more disposable income. The good thing about collecting DS and Switch is that the carts can easily be stored in bulk and moved around, but I have too many game boxes now lol
Have about 20 handhelds of various types ranging from the DMG Game Boy to now. Really treasure my NGPC and Game Boy Advance SP in particular



I would say that Streets of Rage 2 for the Sega Genesis would be one of the oldest titles I own. There may be an older one in my collection, but I can't remember at the moment.

Gamertag: DeePullThree
Switch Friend Code: SW-2321-5988-1019
PlayStation 5 User Profile: DeePullThree


Almost all of my old games were either thrown away or currently reside in some godforsaken dungeon for all i know xD Although i found recently 2 random DS games that i don't think i have ever played, those were: "Godzilla Unleashed" and "Advance Wars: Dual Strike".

Edited on by Yannis


Switch Friend Code: SW-1329-7751-0704 | Nintendo Network ID: Johnnie


A good chunk of my PS1 and PS2 games, I think the oldest game I have is Tekken 3. My ***** sold most of my GBA and GC games when I was tight on money, only games I have for those left are Final Fight One and Tales of Symphonia

Steam/NNID/Xbox Gamertag - Megas75


I still have SNES cartridges, the first console I owned. I also have N64 cartridges, Goldeneye 007 and Diddy Kong Racing are the most precious because Goldeneye 007 was never re-released until recently and Diddy Kong Racing is in limbo because Nintendo owns Diddy now. I have all of my Gamecube and Wii collection, that are huge. Of course it's not old but I have a precious Wii U collection. I also have GBA, DS and 3DS cartridges.



Well I still have a handful of digital games I bought on PS3 many years ago on my previous PSN account (I created a new one in 2020 to start fresh and collect trophy screenshots on PS4), unfortunately since TellTale Games folded a few years ago and there's like only two IPs you can still buy from them, I only have the first episode of "Back to the Future: The Game". Luckily on the aforementioned previous account I'd gotten a platinum trophy from the disc version, apparently I somehow got the first episode free digitally. At least I also have all five episodes of "Tales of Monkey Island". (still unsure what my actions did to solve the "get the monkey to get the key to escape from deranged French doctor" puzzle when I followed a trophy guide for the first episode).

Thing is, I USED to have a bunch of PS3 games on disc, but I sold them all because I'd lived in an apartment with a high rent rate, and now I wish I'd moved into this low-income apartment at the start instead since I'd never sold anything since moving in here. Now I'm seeking to re-buy PS3 games, but only the ones I really like, and get trophies from them onto my current account. Currently, my discs from a used-game store now include LittleBigPlanet (GOTY) and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (GOTY) (I'd never played Oblivion, I picked it up at a mini-con last weekend because I'd seen hilarious glitches on TikTok)

Edited on by rough-machine01


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