
Topic: Does the Digital Version of Sonic Mania Come with Updates?

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TL;DR: When you download Sonic Mania on the Switch (or any console for that matter), does it already have 1.04/1.05 installed or does it need to download them seperately? I should like to avoid using Steam.

Good morning, day, afternoon, evening or night - depending on where you are - Ladies and Gentlemen! I have only just registered to ask this question, as I was unable to find a satisfactory answer by using the search function. Now, as you have the courtesy to actually read my post, I shall compensate you by still trying to get to the point somewhat quickly.

Sonic Mania Plus, being one of the games I bought a Switch for, is one I very much enjoy. However, I have one tiny criticism: Whilst I do enjoy the current Metal Sonic Boss, I am a bit disappointed at not being able to experience the original version of it. Although many criticise it for having been to easy, I should still regard it as a part of the game which I should very much have liked to experience.

Given that the physical release of Mania (which I purchased) comes with 1.04 to begin with, I figured that the only way to get an earlier revision would be to obtain the game digitally. However, before I purchase the same game again, I thought that I could try to politely ask those of you who already own the game digitally whether or not that approach could help me accomplish my goal.

Whilst I posted this in the Nintendo Switch section, I should also be very much obliged for Information from the owners of any other current generation console on this subject matter, as, whilst I should not consider buying a whole new console just for one boss fight in a game I already own, it would be nice to know whether I even have the option of experiencing it in case I ever happen to purchase another contemporary eighth generation system.

I should like to point out, that I am aware of the following thread on a different forum:

The reason I don't find this thread to answer my question satisfactorily is that in the third post, the user claims to have been able to download a digital version (which was, at the time, still 1.03, apparently), yet that it would refuse to start so long as the cartridge data was present. This leaves me uncertain as to whether the digital version would start if the cartridge data were removed.

Finally, I am aware that the Steam version of this game can be downgraded, however I should like to avoid using this service (at least until the amount of games I am missing out on for not using Steam becomes too great and I have to admit defeat).

Thank you very much in advance, I look forward to your replies. On a side note, if you have a reply that adds to this discussion and would also like to turn my attention to any grammar, spelling or other mistakes either I or autocorrect made, then feel free to do so!

Best regards

Edited on by Albert_Plaggart



I would also like to know whether it has the update applied. I figure getting the original version on switch would be impossible now that I've upgraded but I wonder if I downloaded it for PS4 instead whether I would get the original version.

See ya!


I have just asked this question on another forum (though with regards to any digital games instead of just Sonic Mania) and was informed that, unfortunately, it's pointless, as the digital versions for consoles always contain the latest updates to begin with. Though, if you haven't installed the update yet, you can switch the automatic download of patches off somewhere (though that only applies to the Switch, not the PS4 or XBOX One).

I guess that Steam would be the only option to achieve our goal, then.

At the very least, we have clarity now.

Edited on by Albert_Plaggart



@Albert_Plaggart cheers, sonic mania is a June ps plus game so I was going to try my luck with that!

See ya!


@gimmi_c Well, I hope that my 'investigations' have at least saved me, you, and the other interested people who have read this or will do so some money.

EDIT: In the other forum in which I asked this question, another user approached me to inform me of his belief that, apparently, though the software and its updates are downloaded together, they are still regarded separately by Memory Management, meaning that updates can be deleted without removing the software entirely. I have tried this on my Switch (though I only have cartridge-games), yet I could not find any such option. Thus, I reached out to said user and asked him if he could either verify this himself or tell me how I could do so.

I shall inform you of any new developments, presently.

2nd EDIT: Well, the user was kind enough to go ahead and try it for himself. Most unfortunately, however, it turned out that he had confused the Switch with the Wii U in this regard.

On a side note, I stumbled upon the following thread whilst looking for instructions on how to delete updates separately:

That thread comes to the same conclusion. I thought I should leave a link here, so that this thread can serve as an index of Information to those who are interested in this subject matter.

With that being said, the Steam version appears to remain the only one which can be downgraded.

Edited on by Albert_Plaggart


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