
Topic: Marvel's Spider-Man is AWESOME!

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I just got the remastered version for PC. It's SO GOOD!

There are collectibles but they're marked on the map so it's fun to collect them!

There are enemy encounters but the combat is so fast, fluid, and addicting, that I enjoy them!

The open world is so expansive. There's so much to do. Like in all open-world spider-man games, just swinging around and beating up bad guys is fun.

Of course, it "really makes you feel like Spider-Man." It's so good. I'm really glad that I'm finally able to play it (I don't own any PlayStation consoles.)

I played the GameCube Spider-Man 2 and at first, I thought the new game wasn't going to be as good. But after unlocking a couple moves and learning how to swing, I can say that it's superior in nearly every way.

Edited on by Mikmoomamimocki



If you like that play batman Arkham games the base mechanics are the exact same, but yeah the game is awesome I wish that in the second they'd add two players like one person can play miles and one can play peter but for some reason, insomniac refuses to.



It would have been bestow if his landlord gave him a good ol “ give me rent”

Currently playing: Pokemon Soul Silver, Mario RPG
Enos 1:15


I could do this all day



I was in the process of replaying the remastered version on PS5, but had to shelve it because of Ragnarok and now because I am away with family. Playing it again, with the context of Miles Morales in mind, I am actually enjoying it more than I remember doing the first time. The visuals and performance on the console should be a benchmark for every PS5 game.

I do still think the game’s story is really poorly paced and delivered, I feel like while MM goes backwards in some regards, they clearly learnt a lot about how to pace a story and emotionally engage the player, based on the mistakes this game makes.

The shoehorning of the Sinister Six just unnecessarily muddles the pacing, I don’t get why we didn’t focus on them or Mr Negative, rather than both, as both end up suffering from being forced to share the run time.

I also think the whole handling of Li and Mr Negative is just poor all round. They drop it like it is some grand reveal at the end of a long, well worked, mystery but Mr Negative’s alter ego is in like three scenes before the reveal of who they really are, and I wouldn’t say any of these scenes do much work in emotionally investing us in them ready for the twist (based just on what the game delivers, this doesn’t include outside comics knowledge).

The first time we actually see Mr Negative, we’ve already been told who their alter ego is, no proper build up and somehow Peter already also knows who Mr Negative is, even though he is unconscious during the whole sequence where he is revealed?

There are logic leaps one can make to understand how Peter knows this information, but it is so odd to me we just get a flash forward, than a proper scene where all is revealed and we see Peter actually learning the information for the first time. It is like a big chunk of the story is just missing.

You can really see how they basically did a full Mr Li redo for the Tinkerer in MMs.

Life to the living, death to the dead.

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