
Topic: Shin Megami Tensei V Thread

Posts 41 to 60 of 542


Game throws you into the action super quick.

Calls the game a massive technical showpiece for the system, even moreso than Dragon Quest XI S.

Says the difficulty is decently challenging even on Casual difficulty ("safety" difficulty isn't available)

Better storytelling than Nocturne.

"Love letter to the series, but feels new."

Uncapped framerate, bleh. Says it can hit 60fps in smaller areas.

"World is huge, but not BotW big."

Hasn't encountered any dungeons yet, but overworld features side-quests, collectibles, and exploration.

You can explore the school, but "it's not Persona."

Says Atlus hasn't come anywhere close to showing off all the stuff in this game, even in his limited time with it.

Gushes about the soundtrack.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)


@Ralizah framerate isn’t bad, I guess?????

Maybe Atlus will fix it or something

Edited on by anoyonmus



@anoyonmus The only thing they could "fix" is introduce a cap, I imagine. Maybe this being uncapped means it'll run butter-smooth on an eventual successor system, though.

He doesn't make it sound like the framerate is hugely intrusive when it dips, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)


@Ralizah so is framerate targeting 30 fps or 60 fps? If it is 30 fps and dips to 25 fps, then it really shouldn’t be bad then. It’s barely noticeable.

I do hope they cap the framerate or at least make it an option to do it

Edited on by anoyonmus



@anoyonmus I imagine most of the game is probably around 30fps, since you're in a large open world much of the time. It sounds like it dips when a lot of demons are on screen at once in the environments.

About what I'd expect from a demanding Switch game like this.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)


@Ralizah that shouldn’t be too surprising then. Even musou games are like that, I believe.

Also just saying, every game has technical issues. Even first party Sony and Xbox games

Edited on by anoyonmus



New trailer airing any minute now.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)


I’m keep peeking between my fingers as this approaches, especially when the previews came out. Spencer’s above was a lot more informative for me than most of the others.

Switch: SW-2923-8106-2126
Steam ID: joediddley


Does anyone knows when does reviews drops? Next week?



JokerCK wrote:

Does anyone knows when does reviews drops? Next week?

This isn't out for a couple of weeks yet, is it? So if they trend remains, they'll drop probably about a day before the game comes out or on the day it comes out.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


Watched the whole video.

Been avoiding everything about this game, but I think the hype train is about to leave the station.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@JaxonH I'm glad some previews have emphasized that, even early on, there's a lot that Atlus just isn't showing, because after years of silence I can't help but seek out and absorb every little bit of info I can about the game.

This last half month is going to be the worst. It's like the days leading up to Christmas when you're a kid.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)



Next week, I guess?

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)


All, and especially @Ralizah, how long does it usually take for atlus games to go on digital sales? I'm soooooo tempted to preorder just because I wannit I want I wannit right now, but I also have a dozen and 10 games to play and probably won't even get to it more that for giggles for a short while, so if a little patience saves some cash, might as well pretend to be a mature adult and demonstrate patience. BUTIWANNIITNOWSOBAAD!




@NEStalgia Depends.

Taking a couple of their last few releases into account:

Tokyo Mirage Sessions took almost a year to get a 33% discount on the eshop:

SMT III: Nocturne HD remaster took scarcely two months before it started dropping in price in digital sales:

Nocturne HD was sort of a cash grab, so I'm not surprised it dropped in price quickly. Being an ambitious exclusive on the system, I'm inclined to think SMT V will take longer before it starts dropping in price significantly

SMT IV: Apocalypse took five months before it went on sale digitally:

Strange Journey Redux appears to have taken closer to eight months:

The game WILL go on sale eventually. It just depends on how long you're willing to wait for the price to drop to a reasonable degree.

Keep in mind that pre-ordering the game should still net you a free steelbook.

I mean, I have my opinion on what you should do, but I'm also a rabid fan, so that's neither here nor there.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)


@Ralizah The steel book really tempts me..... And I was planning on digital, lol 😂

Haha I'm also a rabid fan so I'm trying to talk myself out of it. It's not so much that I insist on a sale on it so much as I'll kick myself if I pay full, end up not playing it for months, and then see it on sale anyway. Buying now is more fomo/digital hoarding for the backlog than actually buying it . And unlike Nintendo games I know it's possible...

I actually like smt games in the summer as outdoor handheld games. A little ritual from the 3ds Atlus boom era, so in all likelihood I'll play the game a few hours then save it for then. Maybe.

Still have nocturne.... But honestly I'm not that into the old school design anymore. And I still have p5r on the backlog!



Do you know anywhere you can buy the special edition? I can't find it anywhere.

Truly I am mankind's natural foe! Evil Incarnate! A walking cataclysm! A shapeless insanity! GUNDHAM TANAKA!
Kelpies. Be they hound or horse? I'd rather smell wet dog than be drowned by a horse.
Currently Playing on Switch: Chaos Head Noah, PARANORMASIGHT, Mega Man Series.


@DomGC I've wondered about that. Probably a weird artifact of the simultaneous worldwide release the game is getting. Usually Atlus JP advertises the game leading up to the release of the Japanese version, and then, months later, the localization branches roll out their advertising blitz. With advertising happening at the same time worldwide, this is probably the outcome: using the Japanese advertising materials worldwide. Besides the dub trailer, the only specifically localized advertising I've seen for the game was the E3 trailer, which differed from the Japanese one.

@Snaplocket Dunno how it is in other countries, but one of the previewers have already confirmed only the English dub is on the cart in the NA release of the game. Jp track will probably be a free download like it was with P5.

@Scooby-Doo As someone who snagged two Fall of Man editions: the things basically evaporate minutes after a listing goes live. You really needed to be there obsessively F5ing major retailers and keeping your ear to the ground on social media websites. And, even doing that, when the first wave went out, I had to rely on some random Canandian retailer to secure a copy, although I did end up pre-ordering one from Amazon as well days later.

It's possible more special editions will go live in the future. I'd recommend turning notifications on for the Wario64 twitter account, which is particularly good about posting alerts related to limited-time gaming items.

@NEStalgia They should be pretty common, I imagine. If you want to go digital, you can probably find pre-owned steelbooks on sites like ebay down the road for a decent price.

For myself, even if I wasn't planning on playing it asap, I'd still get it at launch because, more than any of their others releases on Switch, I think this one needs to do well for Atlus. It seems to have a bigger budget than their previous games, the game design is more ambitious, Nintendo is pushing the hell out of it: this is the moment for the series to go big or go home. And I'm going to be there day one for it.

We'll see how it goes, but, for the moment, this feels like a primarily big-screen experience to me, so I'm currently planning on playing it docked. We'll see if that changes once I actually get the game.

On a side-note: if you're going to wait for SMT, you should go play Persona 5 Royal. Probably the best reason to own a PS4 at this point. Just be sure you know what to do to unlock the third semester content when you do, as it's probably the best part of the game.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)


I've never played one of these before, but the closer we get to it the more interested I become. I still need to finish up Fatal Frame & Alba though, so we'll see how I feel after I finish those up.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)

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