
Topic: Shin Megami Tensei V Thread

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@CactusMan LOL, at least I'm not the only one, but it's a bit cold for that at this point sadly. I got to do Metroid outside. That was worth it.

@Ralizah I pretty much use switch exclusively as a handheld at this point, so I treat it the same way I treated 3DS next to the WiiU & PS4. Up until the PS5/XSX launched I did still use it docked for some games that were more special, and I probably will for BotW2 still, but after I got those and upgraded my display, and with massive backlogs on everything, it just doesn't make sense to spend my big screen time on switch at 20fps half the time, it always feels noticeably ancient that way. I think OLED marks Nintendo kind of recognizing that and repositioning it more visibly as "handheld-first." Even Dread looks so-so on the big screen where it looks great handheld. As a console it feels like it's Super Wii (meh). As a handheld it feels like Super Vita. Especially with the OLED. Plus, long turn based JRPG.....I'd pick handheld anyway for that... I'd still use big screen for some games, but generally if I'm sitting down at the big screen and think "Hmm, massive PS4/5 backlog here. Massive XB backlog there. Or should I play something on Super Wii?" I rarely pick Super Wii. BotW2 or something like Odyssey 2 would be the rare exception that it just has to be on the big screen. SMTV doesn't have stunning vistas like BotW, or delicate platforms (or a desperate need to use anything not Joycon) like Odyssey. It's a JRPG. It loves handhelds.

Good point about ebay. I might stick with digital then. It's not like I plan on selling it ever! I don't quite buy into the "I'll show support for a game by paying first/most/etc." thing like everything is a kickstarter. Publishers should be looking past launch sales...that's a bad habit of theirs, especially on a Nintendo platform where Nintendo leads the way in selling old games for years and years as still relevant. It's more about being impatient to see it than supporting anything

Every year I tell myself I'll play P5. I got TYH edition on launch day. Then played BotW instead. Then didn't touch PS4 because I was playing Switch so much. Then played X1X mostly because it was new. Then found out about Royal edition and figured "no point starting now..." Then bought Royal and still haven't played past the first area. Ironically, if it were on Switch, I'd have played it by now, handheld.... At least Strikers will be cheap by the time I actually need it! But in the meantime I have like half the Yakuza/Judgement series to play through still, (120+ hours into 0 and still on Majima's second act....curse you real estate, pocket racer, and cabaret economy games!!) plus most of the Sony PS4 blockbusters I backburnered and probably still will because they take a back seat to things like this, plus Scarlett Nexus and like a thousand other things. I haven't even bought Arise yet! SMTV before arise...unless Black Friday changes my mind.

Edited on by NEStalgia



Reviews are up and it looks amazing as expected! I've been sold since 2017, one week till we finally get to play this masterpiece!


Switch Friend Code: SW-0871-5798-7779


I was always probably going to pick this up, but wanted to see how the reviews landed first. Looks like you can preorder this with a clear conscience.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


I hate how so many review outlets are comparing this to Persona 5, with IGN saying that this game is just Persona 5 without the heart.

"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."


@VoidofLight The first sentence of their review already compares it to P5 instead of comparing it to other Smt titles and the huge upgrade that this game is compared to Smt IV (graphically speaking). I've played every Persona title and the majority of Smt including the spinoffs: I deeply love both exactly because they deliver something with the same root but in totally different variations and stories. They are both great but different so the fact that Smt not being Persona is considered a flaw is an utter disgrace. Anyway can't wait till my collector comes home!

Edited on by Primo40295


Switch Friend Code: SW-0871-5798-7779


@VoidofLight lol

IGN never disappoints. That was pretty much instant meme material.

Anyway, I don't care what critics have to say. SMT IV: Apocalypse had the best gameplay in the series alongside an extremely well-paced narrative and scored in the low 80s. Persona 5 Royal has mind-bogglingly easy and unbalanced combat and will dump hours of exposition on the player at the drop of a hat and is sitting at a 95 on metacritic. Outlets that have been laying into the game for not being story-driven assigned 10/10 scores to a game like Breath of the Wild that has, like, less than hour of proper story-telling across the entire game.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)


@VoidofLight While I can somewhat understand the scorn of SMT fans annoyed that the series is becoming overshadowed by it really that inappropriate to compare a game to the most recent AAA game from the same developer?

At least 2'8".


@DomGC Honestly, the best single change Atlus made to P5R was making it SO much easier to get the platinum trophy in one playthrough. I don't mind the story focus of those games, but, yeah, trying to replay them is a bit torturous. There's SO much dialogue to skip through.

Playing through Nocturne and Persona 4 recently, the difference is so stark. In one, you're in the game and playing it after, like, 30 minutes. In P4, you have to sit through the time equivalent of an entire season of a TV series before the game will even consider allowing you to play it. It's insane.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)


@Buizel It is when the two series are barely anything alike, other than sharing demons and spells.

"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."


I’m quite happy the IGN review has so many dislikes. I have nothing against them, but it doesn’t even sound like an 8 when you watch it. Persona 5 comparisons were inevitable but I’m glad it’s being called out for hooking the review all around that point.

I’ll be buying the game regardless but I’d like the game to do well so I’m really happy with the reviews in general, and it’s quite cool an SMT enthusiast I’ve followed a bit got to do the GameExplain one. Nintendo Life did a great job too of course.

Switch: SW-2923-8106-2126
Steam ID: joediddley


I mean IGN gets a lot of dislikes mostly from morons who latch onto review scores and never actually read the whole review to understand the context or by morons who rate everything as either a 1 or a 10, do not understand that numbers exist between those two ends nor do they understand a review is not an objective text, but just the thoughts from a person, so it doesn’t mean that because you use a binary 1 or 10 system, that every review will follow that scheme.

Now, I am not saying the review isn’t bad - I haven’t read it, but the comments sections on almost every IGN review are insufferable and cost me more brain cells than a night of heavy drinking.

Edited on by Pizzamorg

Life to the living, death to the dead.


@Pizzamorg I read through the review before reacting, and it's pretty bad. I always watch the whole thing, or read the whole thing when they put them out, and while some of the reviews are alright, others aren't. A few that come to mind are the Xenoblade Definitive Edition review (because they legit spoil the final party member and dungeon), and this one here, where they constantly compare it to Persona because the person who reviewed it never played a SMT game before.

"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."


I can understand reviewers comparing the game to Persona 5 because it's a popular game that's a convenient point of reference. However, when someone does it repeatedly but all other SMT games, including the ones actually available on the Switch that the game's audience is considerably more likely to have played, don't even rate a mention you've got to wonder if that's the only experience of the franchise that they have. That'd be my main quibble with the IGN review.

I'd guess that it's better than giving the review to someone with no experience of JRPGs at at all. However, I'd place a lot more value in the opinions of someone who could evaluate SMT V within the context of the series as a whole.

Such, people thankfully exist, so cast the IGN review out of your minds and head to RPG site:



@Matt_Barber I mean, them saying the game is a soulless persona 5 could hurt the reputation of the game, when it's nothing like Persona 5. Comparing it to such is a moot point, when they only share a handful of things, while otherwise being entirely different. It's like trying to compare Mario Tennis with Mario Hoops, or a lemon and a lime.

"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."


I think the reviewer background is a complex thing. Giving it to someone who openly doesn't like something is always an odd choice to me, like all the Far Cry 6 reviews which were mostly people moaning about their fatigue with the franchise as a whole and were pretty much irrelevant comments for the review at end.

However, you give it to a diehard fan of the series and you then can't necessarily trust their assessment, as there'll be a certain bias, even if they may not be aware of it themselves.

Plus, since SMT is niche and games are mostly standalone, I think comparing it to the more popular series that is more likely to have been played previously (especially as it's had much more recent entries than SMT) just makes a lot of sense in this context as many people may be experiencing this as their first SMT game and not know what's up. It's the only SMT game on the Switch that aint either a port of a much older game or some weird hybrid thing.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


SMT V is the Darksouls of Persona, and it ain't got no heart. Tao and Ichiro never once wanted to hang out at Big Bang Burger with me!

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)


@VoidofLight It's also incredibly disrespectful to just how philosophical and creative the SMT games are. When I first played Apocalypse, the concept that you weaken a deity to the point of vulnerability purely by denouncing it blew my mind.

Hang on to your youthful enthusiasms - you'll be able to use them better when you're older.

3DS Friend Code: 0490-8421-1170


I see the IGN reviewer (Leana) is joining Spencer’s SMT Network podcast to discuss the review.

I think that will be quite interesting and I expect Spencer will be very accommodating and welcoming of the discussion, and good that Leana is up for it too. Not sure if I would have been!

Edited on by JoeDiddley

Switch: SW-2923-8106-2126
Steam ID: joediddley


What I don't get is why people all of a sudden act like they don't know what a spin off (and that is even considering that SMT isn't the spin off but a lot of people think it is) is. Why are you comparing the two? Similar founding DNA but totally different execution/framework/narrative style and type means they don't make make for a good comparison other than to say "the general art style may be familiar to you because...." Better to compare similar games or a previous game in the actual series. I would want a review to tell me how SMTV is different from IV (predecessor) or Nocturne (on the same system) and what RPGs are similar to it (which really isn't persona actually), if I needed a comparison. Also we have the's super easy to do some research and watch a few let's plays...It's not like this game hasn't been cooking for 4 years for you to prep for it.

It would be like comparing the Paper Mario series to the 2d Super Mario Bros Series because they have Mario characters and you are trying to save the world. Or even Persona games with their spin offs like Dancing all Night.

Edited on by Ryu_Niiyama

Taiko is good for the soul, Hoisa!
Japanese NNID:RyuNiiyamajp
Team Cupcake! 11/15/14
Team Spree! 4/17/19
I'm a Dream Fighter. Perfume is Love, Perfume is Life.

3DS Friend Code: 3737-9849-8413 | Nintendo Network ID: RyuNiiyama


On one hand, I understand SMT fans being annoyed that journalists just can't seem to judge the series as its own thing. It shouldn't be hard to do a modicum of research leading up to a big release like this in order to draw more useful parallels for series fans.

On the other hand, SMT fans get way too angry about this, lol. SMT V and Persona 5 are going to be the first two Atlus games a lot of people play, I imagine, so comparisons are going to be made. Especially since they're both JRPGs from the same company that share enemies, skill names, some themes, multiple game mechanics, etc. and exist in the same broader franchise. All this endless crying by hardcore SMT fans is going to do is put people off the series. I know at least one streamer who won't even be streaming her playthrough of SMT V after she expressed dissatisfaction with Nocturne HD coming off Persona 5 and got hounded by angry fans.

People need to chill.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

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